~Announcement 通告~

Due to the moderator Grace cannot simultaneously support two blogs, Grace decided to pause the update on Grace’s Kitchen English blog, Grace apologize for the inconvenience causes.

Grace will continue the update at 我爱我生活 blog which is written in chinese. If you like my sharing on food, baking, travel and life, please support me by joining 我爱我生活FB Page.

Thanks friends for your continuous support!

因为版主Grace无法同时支援两个部落,唯有暂停更新Grace's Kitchen英文部落,引起不变之处,敬请原谅。



Please continue support Grace at我爱我生活 ^^

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  • 【国内小旅】2D1N 吉打▷怡保▷吉隆坡 吃喝行程 | Kedah▷Ipoh▷ KL Itinerary - 2019年是忙碌的一年,1月去了一趟班台、3月去了一趟上海和9月去了一趟吉隆坡参与渣打吉隆坡马拉松(详文点击这里 )之外,印象中好像很久没和家人一同出游了。 去了渣马之后突然想和家人一同出游,不过因为工作忙碌也不喜欢仓促的安排行程,加上爸妈说好久没到吉隆坡探望亲朋好友,所以这次临时决定到吉隆坡一游。 继续阅读 ...
    5 years ago

Friday, December 30, 2011

Almond Cake (Without Baking Powder)

This cake look delicious, but actually I failed this baking because I simply change the ingredients. The cake need 150g of ground almonds, but I only have 50g at home, some I am very "clever", replace the ground almonds with flour, then the cake become too "hard".

Forget about the failed cake, here I share the actual recipe. ^^

A: Bottom: biscuits 120g, unsalted butter 20g, egg white 20g
B: Cake: sugars 90g, 3 whole eggs, salt 1/4t, milk 50ml, unsalted butter 35g, orange zest, flour 50g, ground almond 150g
C: surface: almond flake

  1. Crush biscuits, melt butter. Mix the melted butter, egg white into the crushed biscuits, flatten into the model. 
  2. Melt B butter.
  3. Mix sugar, salt and whole eggs, add the milk and melted butter, then add orange zest, continue to mix well.
  4. Sieve the flour and ground almond, mix well and pour into (1).
  5. Cover the surface with almond flake. Bake with 180°C for 20 minutes or until surface golden brown.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Fresh Orange Jelly

I found there are 2 orange keep in my house refrigerator during weekend, I just think of doing fresh orange jelly. This is my own recipe without refer to any source, surprisingly the taste was good ^^

Ingredients: Fresh Orange Juice, Sugar, Water and Gelatine.

  1. Melt sugar and water.
  2. Mix (1) with Fresh Orange Juice and Gelatine. Mix well until Gelatine completly melted.
  3. Pour (2) into mold, set aside until cold, put into refrigerator about 2 hours.
Note: My sugar and fresh orange juice mix is 300ml, Gelatine is 3/4t

Monday, December 19, 2011

Chinese Pancake

This is one of the famous food in Malaysia, you may find this everywhere especially pasar malam, pasar pagi or etc.

A: high-protein flour 1 cup, flour 1 cup, sugar 3 tablespoons, instant yeast 1 tsp, water 1 and 3/4 cup.
B: baking powder 1 tsp, baking soda 1 / 4 tsp, oil 2 tablespoons, water 1/2 cup.
C: peanut, sesame, sugar

  1. Mix A, set aside for one hour.
  2. Mix B into 1, mix well.
  3. Heat pan, add a layer of oil, pour amount of the mixing, pan fry until bubble hole appear on the surface, covered with peanut powder, fold.
The appearance not look a like, but taste is the same ^^
Recipe Source: 阿芳的糕与粿
Chinese Version:中式松饼~面煎粿~ 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Mini Green Tea Cheese Cake

My first learn baking is unbaked cheese cake, but i failed. So, I try again after a long break.^^

Ingredients: Biscuit 40g, butter 20g, Cream Cheese 200g, sugar 40g, milk 100ml, gelatine 1t, green tea powder 2t.

  1. Crush biscuits, melt butter. Mix the melted butter into the crushed biscuits, flatten into the model. 
  2. Melt cream cheese and sugar, stir well. Add milk and continue stir. 
  3. Mix green tea powder and continue stir, lastly add gelatine and stir until gelatie dissolves. 
  4. Pour the mixing into the model prepared in (1), put into refrigerator for about two hours.
Chinese Version: 迷你抹茶芝士蛋糕

Friday, December 16, 2011

Recipes Book Shopping

Recipes book purchase while waiting my parents complete their medical check up ^^
I hope I will master in baking after complete reading the books. (Just kidding :p)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dried Beancurd Ginkgo and Barley Dessert

This is one of my favorable dessert, we call this as "Fu Cuk Bak Guo Yi Mai Tong Sui" in Cantonese.

I am using electronic pressure cooker for dessert cooking,  it was so easy. Only need to prepare amount of dried bean curd, gingko, barley, melon sugar, pandan leaves and water, use the "Soup" function in the cooker, cook for 30minutes.

Chinese Version: 腐竹白果薏米糖水

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Pumpkin Puff Pastry

I prepared extra pumpkin paste for my last week dessert Pumpkin Sesame Cookie, there are some pumpkin paste left in my refrigerator, so I plan bake a puff pastry with pumpkin paste.

The method is similar with Apple Puff Pastry, just a bit changes in ingredients.

Ingredients: Puff Pastry, eggs, pumpkin paste, sugar, Parmesan cheese powder.
1. Mix pumpkin paste, sugar and Parmesan cheese powder.
2. Fill the puff pastry with pumpkin filling, brush the edges with egg mixture.
3. Fold the puff pastry, pressed with a fork to seal.
4. Slightly cut the puff pastry with knife, brush the egg mixture evenly.
5. Preheat the oven in 190°C, bake 20 minutes or until golden brown.
Chinese Version: 南瓜千层派

Pumpkin Cheese Sesame Cookie

This recipe is similar with Pumpkin Sesame Cookie by using the remaining pumpkin paste after my Pumpkin Puff Pastry baking ^^

Ingredients: the remaining pumpkin paste (refer to Pumpkin Puff Pastry), glutinous rice flour, flour, white sesame

1. Mix remaining pumpkin paste with glutinous rice flour and flour.
2. Divide the dough into six equal parts, gently knead the dough into round shape, coated with white sesame evenly.
3. Put the dough onto the baking pan, flatten the dough.
4. Preheat the oven in 150°C, bake 20 minutes or until golden brown.

Yeah, done it! I prefer this method, If you prefer to use pan fry method, you may refer to Pumpkin Sesame Cookie.

Mom said I have improve a lot since the last time, also because I have added Parmesan Cheese Powder into pumpkin paste, the taste become nicer. ^^

Chinese Version: 芝麻芝士南瓜饼

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Almond Pastry

I bought two packets of Puff pastry recently but set aside in the refrigerator for some time. I wish to bake Apple Puff Pastry but I was too lazy. I found a lazy way recently, I can bake the puff pastry without spend too much time.

Ingredients: Puff pastry, egg white, sugar, almonds flake

1.Mix sugar and egg white. Set Aside.
2. Cut the puff pastry into rectangular shape, brush (1) onto puff pastry surface evenly, put the right amount of almond flake.
3. Preheat the oven in 190°C, bake 20 minutes or until golden brown.

Recipe Source:孟老师的下午茶
Chinese Version: 杏仁酥片

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cranberry Honey Cake

Cranberry, 1 egg yolk, 1 whole egg, 50g butter, 50g flour, 1 / 4 teaspoon baking powder, 10g ground almond, 25g honey

1. Mix egg yolk with whole egg, stir well. Set aside.
2. Softened butter at room temperature, then sieve the flour and baking powder and mix well.
3. Mix the flour and butter with mixer until the paste was smooth.
4. Gradually add (1) and mix.
5. Mix ground almond and honey. Continue mix the paste with mixer.
6. Scrape the paste into paper mold. Covered with cranberry.
7. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C, bake 20 to 25 minutes.