~Announcement 通告~

Due to the moderator Grace cannot simultaneously support two blogs, Grace decided to pause the update on Grace’s Kitchen English blog, Grace apologize for the inconvenience causes.

Grace will continue the update at 我爱我生活 blog which is written in chinese. If you like my sharing on food, baking, travel and life, please support me by joining 我爱我生活FB Page.

Thanks friends for your continuous support!

因为版主Grace无法同时支援两个部落,唯有暂停更新Grace's Kitchen英文部落,引起不变之处,敬请原谅。



Please continue support Grace at我爱我生活 ^^

My Chinese Blog 我的中文部落

  • 【国内小旅】2D1N 吉打▷怡保▷吉隆坡 吃喝行程 | Kedah▷Ipoh▷ KL Itinerary - 2019年是忙碌的一年,1月去了一趟班台、3月去了一趟上海和9月去了一趟吉隆坡参与渣打吉隆坡马拉松(详文点击这里 )之外,印象中好像很久没和家人一同出游了。 去了渣马之后突然想和家人一同出游,不过因为工作忙碌也不喜欢仓促的安排行程,加上爸妈说好久没到吉隆坡探望亲朋好友,所以这次临时决定到吉隆坡一游。 继续阅读 ...
    5 years ago

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Pumpkin Sesame Cookie

This recipe is adapted from 孟孟夫人咖啡座. I have done some modification because my house has limited ingredients.

Ingredients : 100grams mashed pumpkin, 20 grams sugar, 40 grams glutinous rice flour, 40 grams flour, white sesame.

1. Mashed the steamed pumpkin. Mix with sugar, glutinous rice flour and flour.
2. Divide the dough into six equal parts, gently knead the dough into round shape, coated with white sesame evenly.
3. Heat the pan with some oil, put the dough onto the pan, flatten the dough.
4. Fry the dough with low heat until golden brown.
Chinese Version: 芝麻南瓜饼

Friday, November 25, 2011

I like Millet

My family like to mix the rice with millet during cooking. The reason is we read a news reported that millet has very high value of nutrition.

I done some reading on internet, found that millet originate from China about 8,000 years ago. Millet which is rice in vitamin B1, B12 and etc, several times much more compare with rice, its effectively help to prevent indigestion and mouth sores. The organic salt content of millet also higher than rice. Millet able to relieve wrinkles, dark spots, pigmentation effect, I think this is the most favorable function for women.
Millet + Rice
Millet, actual look
 This is the brand that my family purchased

Chinese Version: 就是要吃小米

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Green Apple Cinnamon Marmalade

Due to Taiwan's plasticize issue, I try to avoid processed food. So the first step, I try to do marmalade by myself.

Ingredients: 4 green apples, 1/2 Lemon, cinnamon, Sugars
  1. Clean the lemon, squeeze the juice, set aside
  2. Green apple, peeled, cut into cubes, blend with blender.
  3. Mix the blended green apple and lemon juice, boil it with medium heat.
  4. Turn to low heat, add sugars and cinnamon. Keep boiling and stir constantly with wooden spoon.
  5. Continue stir until the sauce become dense and creamy.
  6. Bottling the marmalade, inverted half an hour*, and let cool.
* This step is to use the marmalade heat to kill bacteria in the bottle.
Chinese Version: 青苹果肉桂果酱

With similar step, you may try different favor. I tried Pineapple as well. However, I prefer Green Apple Cinnamon Marmalade the most.

This is my Pineapple Marmalade.
Chinese Version: 凤梨果酱

Monday, November 21, 2011

Fructus Momordicae Winter Melon Dessert

Mom said that I participate in Penang Bridge Marathon yesterday, she afraid I would get sick. She said since the Fructus Momordicae brought during Guilin trips last August still not yet finished, so she help me to prepare Winter Melon early morning and get my help to cook Fructus Momordicae Winter Melon Dessert.
Ingredients: Winter Melon, Fructus Momordicae, Sugar. 
  1. Winter Melon, peeled, washed, cut into slices. 
  2. Fructus Momordicae, peeled, washed. 
  3. Mix (1) and (2) into electric pressure cooker. 
  4. Use the "Soup" function of electric pressure cooker to start the cook, it takes 30 minutes. 
  5. After the dessert cooked, add sugar. 

It is very simple to cook with electric pressure good! ^ ^

Chinese Version: 罗汉果冬瓜糖水

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Apple Puff Pastry ~My all time favorite pastry~

Ingredients: Puff Pastry, eggs, apples, sugar, butter, cinnamon powder, potato wheat starch
1. Apple, cut into cubes. Mix with sugar and cook until the apples soften.

2. Mix (1) with butter and potato wheat starch, cook until the water dries up.
3. Remove (2)  from heat before adding cinnamon powder, mix well, set aside.
4. Fill the puff pastry with apple filling, brush the edges with egg mixture.
5. Fold the puff pastry, pressed with a fork to seal.
6. Slightly cut the puff pastry with knife, brush the egg mixture evenly. 
7. Preheat the oven in 190 ° C, bake 20 minutes or until golden brown.
Chinese Version: 苹果千层派

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Brownie ~My all time favorite cake~

The brownie is sliced from a type of dense, rich chocolate cake, which is, in texture, like a cross between a cake and a cookie.

150g Flour
150g Cooking Chocolate
150g Unsalted Butter
3 Eggs
30g Milk
80g Caster Sugar
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 tsp Baking Soda
10g instant coffee powder (the original recipe use 20g unsweetened cocoa powder, since I do not have this ingredients, I replace with instant coffee powder)


  1. Sift the flour, baking powder and baking soda in a large bowl. Set aside. 
  2. Melt the butter, sugar and cooking chocolate in a microwave or using double-boiler method. Mix with instant coffee powder, stir well.Set aside. 
  3. Wait until (2) is slightly cool, separate in three times, add the whole eggs. Stir well. 
  4. Pour 1/3 of (1) into (3), then add milk and mix well. Mix the remaining flour. stir the mixture gently in irregular direction until the the mixture combine well. 
  5. Pour the mixture in baking tray. 
  6. Sprinkle the walnuts evenly on top of the mixture. 
  7. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C, bake for about 20 minutes. 
  8. Let the brownies completely cooled before cutting. 

Chinese Version: 新手。布朗尼

Monday, November 7, 2011

Red Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Dessert

Since I buy the electric pressure cooker, I always cook dessert because it is too convenient.

This weekend, I found there is red sweet potato and pumpkin in my refrigerator, I feel quite match with these two ingredients, so i just mix both together.

Ingredients: Red Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin, Water, 2 Pandan Leaves, Sugar.

1. Red sweet potato and pumpkin, peeled, washed, cut into cubes, mix in the pot, pour the right amount of water.

2. Included the pandan leaves.

3. Use the "Soup" function of electric pressure cooker to start the cook, it takes 30 minutes.

4. After the dessert cooked, add sugar.
Chinese Version: 红蕃薯南瓜mix糖水