~Announcement 通告~

Due to the moderator Grace cannot simultaneously support two blogs, Grace decided to pause the update on Grace’s Kitchen English blog, Grace apologize for the inconvenience causes.

Grace will continue the update at 我爱我生活 blog which is written in chinese. If you like my sharing on food, baking, travel and life, please support me by joining 我爱我生活FB Page.

Thanks friends for your continuous support!

因为版主Grace无法同时支援两个部落,唯有暂停更新Grace's Kitchen英文部落,引起不变之处,敬请原谅。



Please continue support Grace at我爱我生活 ^^

My Chinese Blog 我的中文部落

  • 【国内小旅】2D1N 吉打▷怡保▷吉隆坡 吃喝行程 | Kedah▷Ipoh▷ KL Itinerary - 2019年是忙碌的一年,1月去了一趟班台、3月去了一趟上海和9月去了一趟吉隆坡参与渣打吉隆坡马拉松(详文点击这里 )之外,印象中好像很久没和家人一同出游了。 去了渣马之后突然想和家人一同出游,不过因为工作忙碌也不喜欢仓促的安排行程,加上爸妈说好久没到吉隆坡探望亲朋好友,所以这次临时决定到吉隆坡一游。 继续阅读 ...
    5 years ago

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Orange Mamon Cake

I found this baking recipe from my mom recipe collection book. She kept this recipe for 10+ years and never try out. I decided to try out last weekend :)

A) 4 egg yolks, 20 g sugar, 3 tbsp orange juice
B) 100g flour, 1/4 tsp baking powder (mix and sifted), 1/4 tsp salt, 1 orange zest.
C) 4 egg white, 1/2 tsp cream of tartar, 50g sugar
D) 50g melted butter

1. Beat A till fluffy, add B and blead evenly.
2. Beat C till stiff and confine, add (1) and D
3. Scoop batter into paper cups until 3/4 full. Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes.
According to original recipe, baking powder should be 1/2 tsp, but I only figure out my baking powder on left 1/4 tsp when I prepare the ingredients, because of no time to buy new baking powder, I try to put only 1/4 tsp and luckily it work.

Regarding the sugar, original recipe was 40g for "A" ingredient and 60g for "D" ingredient, I cut of too much and my fresh orange juice was too sour cause the whole cake become "sour mamon cake".

Overall, this cake still consider delicious. ^^