~Announcement 通告~

Due to the moderator Grace cannot simultaneously support two blogs, Grace decided to pause the update on Grace’s Kitchen English blog, Grace apologize for the inconvenience causes.

Grace will continue the update at 我爱我生活 blog which is written in chinese. If you like my sharing on food, baking, travel and life, please support me by joining 我爱我生活FB Page.

Thanks friends for your continuous support!

因为版主Grace无法同时支援两个部落,唯有暂停更新Grace's Kitchen英文部落,引起不变之处,敬请原谅。



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  • 【霹雳太平住宿】Sentosa Villa Resort - *2022年7月16日(星期六) - 2022年7月17日 (星期日)* 多年前一直想到 Sentosa Villa Resort 度假,后来因疫情的关系而耽搁。这趟难得疫情稍微缓和,决定带爸妈到这个山明水秀的地方度假散心。 继续阅读 Continue Reading →
    2 years ago

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Orange Mamon Cake

I found this baking recipe from my mom recipe collection book. She kept this recipe for 10+ years and never try out. I decided to try out last weekend :)

A) 4 egg yolks, 20 g sugar, 3 tbsp orange juice
B) 100g flour, 1/4 tsp baking powder (mix and sifted), 1/4 tsp salt, 1 orange zest.
C) 4 egg white, 1/2 tsp cream of tartar, 50g sugar
D) 50g melted butter

1. Beat A till fluffy, add B and blead evenly.
2. Beat C till stiff and confine, add (1) and D
3. Scoop batter into paper cups until 3/4 full. Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes.
According to original recipe, baking powder should be 1/2 tsp, but I only figure out my baking powder on left 1/4 tsp when I prepare the ingredients, because of no time to buy new baking powder, I try to put only 1/4 tsp and luckily it work.

Regarding the sugar, original recipe was 40g for "A" ingredient and 60g for "D" ingredient, I cut of too much and my fresh orange juice was too sour cause the whole cake become "sour mamon cake".

Overall, this cake still consider delicious. ^^

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Yogurt Apple Cake

This was the first cake I bake when I bought a new electric oven few years ago. The cake was failed that time because I totally don't have any knowledge on baking.

After few year, at least I know some basic skill on baking, so I try to bake this cake again. Yeah, I was successfully! ^^
I forget where the original recipe from, I have done some modification based on the original recipe, here is my modified recipe.

250g Butter, 160g Sugar, 5 eggs, 135ml Yogurt (I am using Cranberry flavor Yogurt from Nutrigen Liteyo), 320g flour, 1 tsp baking powder, 1/4 tsp sodium bicarbonate, 3 apples cut into cubes, cinnamon powder, sultanas and rum.

1. Soak sultanas with rum.
2. Sift flour, baking powder and sodium bicarbonate, set aside.
3. Cream butter and sugar till light and fluffy.
4. Add the egg one by one into (3). Cream until smooth and light.
5. Add (2) and yogurt alternately, mix till well blended.
6. Mix apples cubes, cinnamon powder and sultanas (do not include rum) into (5).
7. Pour the batter into a greased 9" round mold.
8. Bake at 180°C for 90 minutes. Test with skewer, the cake is ready when the skewer comes out clean.
9. Glaze the cake with apricot jams (or any flavor will do), set aside, allow the cake to cool. 

*Note: You might need to cover the cake with aluminium foil after baked around 40 - 50 minutes.

This cake taste good even after kept for one day.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

French Apple Pie

This is my favorite baking--French Apple Pie.

This recipe adapter from Agnes Chang baking video.

200gm flour, sifted
100gm butter
60gm castor sugar, sifted
1pc egg yolk

70gm butter
40gm castor sugar
1pc egg
70gm ground almond
20gm flour, sifted
3 pcs green apple, cut into pieces
2tsp marmalade

1. Pastry
  a. Mix flour and butter.
  b. Add sifted castor sugar, continue mixing.
  c. Add egg yolk and mix.
  d. If failed to become dough, add a teaspoon of egg yolk and continue mixing. Repeat this step until it become dough.DO NOT add water into dough.
  e. Cut the dough into pieces, put into model.
2. Filling
  a. Mix butter and castor sugar.
  b. Add egg, mix well.
  c. Add ground almond and flour, continue to mix until the filling become“drop consistently”.
3. Pour the filling into the pie model (with pastry covered). Green apple put on top of the filling.
4. Bake for180°C, 35 – 40minutes.
5. Apply marmalade on the baked pie.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mini Coffee Buns

Such a long time I didn't bake any bread because I am lazy recently.

Let see my baked buns:
Refer to《孟老师的100道面包》 and《阿芳的3杯面粉72变》, I decided to bake according to the ingredients available in my refrigerator.

Bread Ingredients:
A: High Protein Flour 2 and 1/2 cup, Whole Wheat Flour 1/2 cup, Instant Yiest 1and 1/2t, Coffee 1/4 cup, Water 1 cup, Brown Sugar 1/4 cup.
B: Unsalted Butter
C: Cranberries, Raisins, Milk, Butter

1. Mix (A) to dough, add (B).

2. Wait 60 minutes for yeast process.

3. Mix Cranberries and Raisins.
4. Decorated your dough.

5. Yeast process for 50 minutes. Brush with mil before bake.

6. Bake for 170°C, 30minutes
7. Brush butter on the baked buns.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wed = Pink Day @ Baskin Robbins

I knew this promotion long time ago, but I always can't find a good timing to visit Baskin Robbins on Wednesday.

Then come to 11 April 2012, It was national public holiday for all states and territories of Malaysia to celebrate the installation of the new King of Malaysia. This public holiday fall on Wednesday.

Finally I found a good timing to visit Baskin Robbins. I show my pink colour recycle bag to enjoy the deal. I ordered Brownie ala Mode, pay single scoop price to enjoy double scoops ice cream. The price after tax is RM12.70.

This was my Blueberries Yogurt and Mango Yogurt ice cream with strawberry and walnut toppings.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Free Lunch!

Yesterday, there was free lunch from company at Cafe Oriental Hotel Sunway Seberang Jaya Penang. The food there not bad, but the variety of food is limited. I like the dessert very much especially the banana pie. ^^

Monday, February 13, 2012

Crème Brûlée Cheese Cake @ Secret Recipe

I just realize there is Crème Brûlée Cheese Cake sold at Secret Recipe last Friday.

I only spend RM40 at SR and pay with Citibank credit card, then this cheese cake is free. (valid until 30 June 2012)